Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Documenting the Evidence

Not surprisingly, it turned out that one of the gang bangers we had just busted was holding. I frisked him before I put him in the back of the car, and found a small marijuana cigarette in the waistline of his shorts. I know that it seems minor, but all narcotics are considered evidence when pulled from a suspect at the scene of a crime.

Jake and I got in the car, and I informed him of my intentions of taking the joint back to the station, bagging it up and checking it into the evidence locker. Jake had other ideas however, suggesting that we smoke it instead. It was at that point that I made it very clear that we would not be engaging in such activity.

When I got the evidence back from Jake, we drove back to the station and I checked it in. The entire ride was silent. I could tell he was mad at me, but I couldn't have cared less. He was more criminal than the men we chased on a daily basis. I couldn't wait for that day to be over.

Jake's version of the incident was obviously much different. His lies portrayed me as an evil man, recklessly engaging in illegal activity and not caring one bit while I did so. The story he told the filmmakers switched our personalities entirely. When the movie released, I couldn't bare to watch the scene taking place in front of my eyes.

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