Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bums in the Alley

Because of Jake's tardiness, we missed our opportunity to bust the drug lord we had on our schedule that day. I didn't have anymore official police business until noon that day, so Jake and I took a ride on patrol, scoping out local gang-harboring neigborhoods. On most days, it's not unusual to run across multiple drug deals going on in the alley ways.

Cruising around the block, we drove up on two suspects tagging their gang affiliation on a nearby garbage receptacle. The element of surprise is key, so we ran up on them as fast as we possibly could. I had intentions of a typical arrest and booking, but Jake had other actions on his mind when one suspect tried to flee the scene.

It was clear, hearing Jake, that he was as crooked as the day was long. I couldn't even believe the department sent this deranged lunatic to be evaluated. Once again, I informed Jake that we would be doing things by the book, the way they are supposed to be done. I then proceeded, with very little cooperation from my "partner" for the day, to arrest and book both suspects for destruction of public property.

When I saw the movie, I knew that Jake must have really had a vendetta to settle. Not only was the incident portrayed wrong, but I was made out to be the bad guy once again while he stood in the background with that innocent look on his pathetic face.

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